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Parent Roles at ToFA

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." — Deuteronomy 6: 5-7


We live in a culture where TIME with our children is becoming less and less of a priority. But the Lord has called us to it—and not only on the weekends and in the later hours of the hours of the evening when they are finished with their extra-curricular activities. Discipleship, the training up of disciples and warriors for Christ, takes TIME, FOCUS, and INTENTIONALITY. Trinity of Fairview Academy partners with parents to provide more time, more influence and greater impact.


The University Model At ToFA

All ToFA students spend 3 days under the guidance of a professional educator on campus at Trinity of Fairview. Parents of students follow teacher guided lesson plans on the other two days to educate their children at home. Our parents act as co-teachers and transition to guides for dependent learning toward the end of a Grammar School.

Parent Roles Overview

Our mission at ToFA is to prepare to young men and women who will do with excellence anything that the Lord has called them to do.  In partnership with parents, we equip children to have excellent study habits and a strong work ethic so that they can be independent and successful in life, whether that is in a 4 year University, on the mission field, or working within a profession.  At ToFA, parents serve as co-teachers to younger students, then as a guide to their dependent learners, and finally as a guide for independent study. The time parents spend on direct instruction and supervision will gradually decrease grade level by grade level as students become more independent.



Parents of our younger Grammar School Students act as a Co-Teacher on Wednesdays, and Fridays as they educate their children from home. Responsibilities  of co-teachers include re-teaching when necessary, supervising home study completion and monitoring quality. The classroom teacher provides detailed plans and expects the co-teachers to assist the student and instruct when needed.



During the upper levels of our Grammar program, the parent gradually and with great intentionality transitions from the role of Co-Teacher to that of a Guide for Dependent Study. When this transition takes place depends upon the individual student’s level of maturity and responsibility. Parents and classroom teachers need to communicate effectively and work together to ensure that this transition takes place smoothly.



This role usually applies to parents with children in grade levels 9 through 12 but may also apply to slightly younger students. The content of academic courses at this level becomes more complex and may be unfamiliar to some parents and may require private tutoring from someone other than the parent. At the same time, the student is at a dependent age where disciplined study habits are not yet mastered. Through the discipleship and positive encouragement of her parents, the student develops a  growing awareness of personal academic responsibility. At this stage,  the classroom teacher still relies on the parent to make certain that the student keeps up with the course assignments and communicates with the teacher if difficulties arise.



Most academic courses at the 11th and 12th grade levels require this role for parents. Here, the parents have the opportunity to supervise the progress of their students’ independent schoolwork and provide any additional guidance they may need before entering college. Courses offered at this level will mimic that of a junior college program or higher where independent study and research skills, time management skills, a strong work ethic and self-discipline are essential.

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